How to donate and recycle your eyeglasses

At least once a week, kind patients inquire if there is a way by which they can donate their old glasses. Good news – there is! Here at Eyetopia Eyecare, we are proud members of the Lion’s Club “Recycle for Sight” program. Here is how it works:


1.    You bring your old glasses, sunglasses, and/or reading glasses in to us.

2.    We place them in our Lion’s Club donation box.

3.    Once that box is full, a member of the Lion’s Club picks it up from our office.

4.    After that, all usable prescription glasses are cleaned, scanned to determine the optics of each pair and sorted by prescription. 

5.    They are then boxed for distribution to various organizations who distribute them in the U.S. and around the world to people that do not have access to glasses. 


Please let us know if you have any questions, and thank you for your kind donations!


Eyetopia Eyecare


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